Thursday 19 November 2009

Saw VI

So here we are again, the clocks have just winded back, Halloween is seeping closer and you can already hear Christmas songs erupting through your radio. What have I neglected to mention? Well naturally, the offering of another Saw film of course. For the majority it seems this is a film they just view to witness the gruesome deaths and have a night absent from home with their mates, but for many others who are entrapped and seduced by the series, this is what they have anticipated for all year. I discovered that after sitting through this I seem to feel that there was a lot more story trickling through not just over the top deaths which can be exampled heavily by the Final Destination series. Even though some portions of Saw VI were moderately over the top, it still managed to glue together and make it realistic to a certain extent.

As most hardcore fans will already be acquainted with is that Detective Hoffman is the latest successor to the Jigsaws legacy which is to show the people that don’t appreciate the value of life the consequences. However when the FBI draw closer and begin getting suspicious of Hoffman his only reinforcement is to lay out a series of grim games formulated by his own idol and associate Jigsaw.

In this latest addition to the well recognized series we also notice the previous editor (Kevin Greutert) obtaining his chance to fore fill the directors position, this might distress some of the more loyal fans, but for me I observed that it is abundantly clear he is more than worthy of the task. This left me relieved and exhilarated that five years ahead Saw is still extracting out the twists and turns that will keep you craving for more. So keep yourself on high alert for Saw VII next year, as it will be set to once again take its crown as the king of Halloween Horrors.

Andrew Dex

Can be found at the following link:

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